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Am I Immortal

Is my individual existence (Life) mortal or immortal?

There are three broad kind of perspectives with regard to this for humanity on Earth.

  • A. An age old spiritual belief has been that Life is immortal. It changes bodies like clothes.
  • B. The recently emerged materialistic belief is - Life is emergent phenonmenon from the body. Each individual consciousness starts and ends with the body. Hence Life is mortal.
  • C. There is a third one - “I don’t know. And perhaps, it doesn’t matter whether I am mortal or not.”

Humanity doesn’t know and there is no way to prove anything yet

Let us be honest with each other and admit that as humanity our perspective on this issue differs from one to another and this is a matter of personal faith and subjective experience. There is no objective way to prove to the other one point or another, so that everyone is convinced of the fact just like we are convinced that the Sun rises in the East. Speaking from perspective of entire humanity - “We don’t know in unity the exact nature of Life & especially whether Life (Self) is mortal or immortal.”

So given the divergence in perspectives on eternal nature of individual consciousness, what is the ultimate truth on which humanity can converge? We can say that whatever is that statement of truth, it must be acceptable & useful to us.

Usefulness means outcome that is good, positive, constructive and beneficial. The measure of usefulness is lesser strife & suffering and greater happiness, peace, ease, contentment and bliss in co-existence.

And what is useful - That which brings about greater and longer lasting harmony, within and as coexistence.

There are seven billion people and seven billion truth sets.. Which is the one statement of Truth that we can all, theists and atheists, literate or illiterate, rich or poor, religious or scientific minded, can agree on? What is that one perspective which is easiest and simplest for any human to accept and converge at?

So which assumption is more useful to you - Am I the body or emergent from the body? Or I exist independently from this body - before and after it. Sit down and feel the answer arise in your inner core, your silent space. Your natural acceptance will spontaneously tell you that with which assumption you are feeling more in harmony, in peace. You don’t need to think about it at all. Just feel it.

The universal answer lies in our natural acceptance

Natural acceptance is a phenomenon of the deeper space inside each Life. It is way deeper, silent and perceptive than the thinking and physical perception space. It is incorruptible part of the Self - it evaluates, understands, realizes the Truth. Being pure, it is simply in line with the Truth. It is also called inner voice, intuition, higher self, deeper mind etc. This space is more connected to our innateness than the thinking and choosing mind. This space simply knows the truthful answers to all the pertinent questions like “Am I immortal?”. It gives the same answer to all human beings.

The outer part (assuming, thinking, choosing) of the Self is the corruptible part. Today’s literate human suffers from an education which emphasis on logic and ignores the higher faculties in the human child. Hence, deeper suffering, anxiety, stress, disconnect with nature within and around - for the modern human being.

An Axiom: Only the whole of self can know itself.

To get to this answer we need to engage the whole of the self. The whole of the self universally gives one answer to all the pertinent questions and choices.

So in order to get the answer to the question of (im)mortality, one first needs to engage the whole of the self. The deeper self has to guide the answer - not the thought. Then the answer will emerge as clear as light from the Sun in a clear sky.

That is - I am (the self is) indestructible, indivisible, immortal.

This is merely a proposal to evaluate from your deeper Self. Do not take it for an answer till you have found the answer in your deep space within.