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Natural Acceptance

Natural acceptance arises from the innateness of the Self

Assumptions and thoughts may or may not be in line with the innateness of the Self, especially if the deeper self is unused.

And what is innateness of the Self? Pursuit of harmony!

The deeper part inside us is inline with innateness and just knows (the Truth, the right, the harmonious).

This deeper part always knows the purpose or what to be, innateness, what to do as a human being. Following it leads to harmony (happiness) within. The continuity of harmony is desirable, and it is possible. If followed, this part leads to resolution and definite human conduct in a human being.

Check for yourself:

In relationship/coexistence - Does this part want harmony or not? Does this part want mutual fulfillment, mutual enrichment, complimentarity? Or does it want opposition, competition, exploitation, envy, fear?

The answers from above are coming from your natural acceptance. They don’t need thinking.

Natural acceptance is a phenomenon of the deeper space inside each Life. It is way deeper, silent and perceptive than the thinking and physical perception space. It is incorruptible part of the Self - it evaluates, understands, realizes the Truth. Being pure, it is simply in line with the Truth. It is also called inner voice, intuition, higher self, deeper mind etc. This space is more connected to our innateness than the thinking and choosing mind. This space simply knows the truthful answers to all the pertinent questions like “Do I want continuity of harmony within and with the world?”. It gives the same answer to all human beings.

The outer part (assuming, thinking, choosing) of the Self is the corruptible part. Today’s literate human suffers from an education which emphasis on logic and ignores the higher faculties in the human child. Hence, deeper suffering, anxiety, stress, disconnect with nature within and around - for the modern human being.