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Four Orders on Earth

Upon seeing, four orders reveal themselves to the seer. Every order includes and is built upon the lower order.

  • Material order - Ex. non living material units like atoms, stones, water etc. Innateness (Dharma) is to be/exist (with formation and deformation).
  • Living (Pranic) order - Microbes, plants, animal and human bodies. Its Dharma is to be & to grow (i.e. respirate, metabolize, grow individually and propogate as species).
  • Animal order - Self with animal body. Its dharma is to be, to grow; and the will to live.
  • Knowledge order - (So far on Earth) Self with human body. The knowledge order’s dharma is to be; to grow; the want to live; and the want to be in harmony (happy, peaceful, satisfied and blissful) in co-existence.

Animals don’t and generally can’t think about the nature of Life but humans can and they do. Life in human form has the full capability and can develop the ability to grasp the knowledge of Life and Existence. This capability puts humans uniquely in the bucket of Knowledge Order on Earth. Humanity uniquely forms the knowledge order on Earth, built on top of the lower three orders which evolved and coexisted in perfect harmony.

Humanity is yet to attain its perfection and harmony with the rest of the Nature.