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A relationship may or may not be related to the body, but it is accepted and fulfilled by the two minds.

What is family?

By using the word family, we are meaning - a group where every member trusts to find happiness in each other’s company.

A family is a group of people living together with assurance of mutual protection, fulfillment and love. It is the first place for a human to experience fulfilling relationships which nurture the body and self. A family is where a child feels protected, cared for. It is a space where every member feels a minimum bottomline assurance of being accepted, physically cared for, protected, guided (as per relatives’ competence).

A family shares common aspirations starting from abundant living to festivity, cocreation, projects and aspirations for lifetime well lived. For ex. raising wise and talented next generation, doing some production or services for living, sustaining prosperously with nature and society, helping the needy, spreading knowledge, nurturing the nature etc.).

A family is the building brick of the society

The building brick of undivided human society is a family committed to living justfully between its members and with the rest of society and world. Since family is the fundamental unit of of human society and the first and primary space for trust, love, nurture, education and wellbeing, the universal solution is based on family as the unit of society.

In a blossoming human family

In a blossoming family, everyone understands more and more clearly that they are together not only to live physically together and survive, but to mature as individuals on human journey. In any situation, the members strive to ensure that they act or respond with the right understanding (wisdom). They all understand that they need to feel all the right feelings mutually in their relationships; like acceptance, respect, trust, care, guidance, appreciation, gratitude, unconditional love.

They know that they want their egos out of themselves and their home.

They together strive for continuity of happiness, wellbeing and prosperity for the entire family. Instead of thinking primarily about one’s individual, every member of such a family aspires for everyone’s filfillment; together, within oneself, with each other and, with the (entire) rest of society and nature.

A blossomed family has realized that the real family is whole of the world itself! Hence it lives in relation with the rest of the society and nature, not cut off from it.

Such a family impartially loves everyone outside of their home as much as the ones who are coliving with them. This impartial love is the full blossoming of love. And such a family is fully blossomed when it feels this way for the whole world. Every member of such a family witnesses humane coexistence, in its fullest glory.

A family is not..

A family doesn’t have to be necessary blood related or headed by a married couple of different sex. What truly matters to any family or society is that the family lives justfully within itself and with society and rest of nature.

By the word justice, we mean mutual fulfillment.

The form of family and parenthood can be as varied as nature itself. Such families, of any composition and relational combination are going to be the foundation bricks of the undivided human society (world family).