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Existence Is Coexistence


  • Existence is all that exists (is).
  • Existence is the only thing that exists.
  • Existence is autonomous.
  • Existence is indivisible, infinite, eternal, the ever “present”.
  • Existence is as coexistence; of energy of two kinds - unmanifest and manifest
  • Unmanifest energy can be called Space or Void or The field or Shoony (from Hindi/Sanskrit)
  • Manifest energy can be called Nature or Prakruti (from Hindi/Sanskrit)
  • Space and Nature have been called Father and Mother, Supreme Soul and Supreme Power, Shiva and Shakti, Omnipotence and Omnipowerful, Unmanifest and Manifest, Brahman and Prakruti, Shoony and Prakruti in different traditions
  • Space

    • Infinite unmanifest, absolute energy in eternal equilibrium
    • All pervading.
    • It was, is and will be eternally and completely inactive and unchanging (Hence also called Void or Shoony)
    • Space is the (fundamental) field of which all sub fields are constituent parts.
    • Space is the field of omnipotence because it is the Space which allows everything that happens or can happen; which is - infinite possibilities.
    • The fundamental field which is amalgamation of all (sub) fields that exist; both physical and conscious kind of fields
    • Space is the mediator for every unit of nature to coexist and inter-operate.
    • Space is omnipresent; present where there is (unit of) Nature and as well where there is not (i.e. Every unit of Nature is always in Space and surrounded by Space)
    • Space is transparent; it does not affect any unit of nature and because of that units of nature can identify and interact with each other without any disturbance by Space.
    • Space is transcendental; Every unit of Nature is based on Space which is its mediator. Without Space, Nature can not be.
  • Nature

    • Infinite manifest, relative energy as eternal activity/vibration across different sub fields of Space.
    • Nature has infinite conscious and non-conscious (material) units.
    • Every unit of Nature is a (relative) activity of manifest energy in Space.
    • Every unit of Nature follows a certain templated constitution, which may or may not be permanent.
      • Each constitution has unique form, properties, innateness and inseparable essence (Dharma).
    • The nucleus of every unit is its mediator. Space is the mediator for the nuclei. Those units which don’t have sub components or a nucleus (elementary particles like electrons, up and down quarks, neutrinos) have space as the direct mediator.
    • The manifest energy forever pursues equilibrium in permanence. It, by itself, forms and destroys different constitutions in the journey.
    • All units of Nature are interrelated, interconnected, interdependent.
      • Interconnected - Every existing pair of units is connected through the mediating field of Space.
      • Interrelated - Each unit has a reciprocal relationship with other units.
      • Interdependent - They are complimentary to fulfillment of each other’s innateness and essence; i.e. depend on each other and help each other for mutual fulfillment.
    • All units of Nature are
      • Soaked in Space: Space is within the entirety of every unit, just like every thread of a cloth submerged in water, is entirely soaked with water. Space is the foundation upon which Nature is the add on.
      • Submerged in Space: Every unit of Nature operates within the field of Space, never going out of it.
      • Surrounded by rest of Nature and Space: The units of Nature exist, move, transform and perform activity as per the rules (of every sub field) as provided by Space. Their activities are further affected by and in turn affect the other units of nature, as per the rules provided by Space.
    • Most kinds of equilibriums and constitutions are impermanent; except one.
      • The impermanent constitutions are material in nature (elementary particles, sub-atomic particles, atomic particles, molecules, cells and bigger formations)
      • There is a certain kind of constitution which is permanent in nature (indestructible). It is also self aware and conscious. It is free from physical forces. For ex. doesn’t have weight. But it is (during its evolution stage) bound to the forces of expectations, thoughts and desires. It can be called Life. It has a nucleus which is its mediator (also called the Soul). Surrounding the nucleus is the mind which has four layers. Detailed description about the five parts of Life can be found here
      • Life coexists with its body, rest of the Nature and Space. It is always experiencing and interacting with rest of coexistence, through a body (of gross or subtle nature). The soul is the ultimate witness or experiencer of all the experiences. It is the part that is the “I” in the Life. It is beyond the mind. The mind connects with the body. The body has senses to percieve the world. The mind gives the body instructions to act and percieves the world through the body, through the body’s senses.
    • Nature goes through two fold process which can be called development and evolution
      • Phase 1 - Development: From formation and deformation of different material constitutions (For ex. elementary particles, sub-atomic particles, atoms, molecules, organic compounds..) to formation of a constitution which is unbreakable, self aware, conscious; i.e. Life.
      • Phase 2 - Evolution: The journey of maturity in conscious units (Life); i.e. from lack of knowledge (Understanding, Truth) to knowledge.
    • Consciousness does not arise from matter, and matter does not arise from consciousness.
    • On Earth, Nature exists in four orders
      • Material order
        • matter of all kinds made of atoms, light and other forms
        • Innateness: To be (exist)
      • Living order
        • matter that has metabolism and grows
        • Innateness: to be and to grow
      • Animal order
        • Coexistence of a conscious unit (Self, I) with a living unit (body)
        • Innateness: to be, to grow and will to live
      • Knowledge order (so far only humans)
        • Coexistence of a conscious unit with a living unit (body) which has a brain developed enough to understand Existence and its own individuality as-it-is in a scientific approach; and use this knowledge to coexist in harmony with the rest of Nature.
        • Innateness: to be, to grow, will to live with happiness, satisfaction, peace and bliss
  • Existence as coexistence is indivisible (i.e. the one and only organism or thing)