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About the Proposal

[IMPORTANT] Introduction to the Proposal by Prof. Ganesh Bagaria

A series of lectures, questions and answers giving holistic perspective on the nature of life as humans and the key to harmonious living.

In last few decades, an all encompassing, holistic perspective based on Existential reality as it is, has emerged. The proposals are (to be evolved if needed) such that they are naturally acceptable and self verifiable for every human alike, no matter what age, conditioning and background. The proposals promise to clear all doubts and misery when understood and imbibed.

Unlike most of previous human approaches based on faith before knowledge, these proposals encourage to assume (have faith in) only what is known and understood by oneself as reality. Instead of prescribing a list of do’s & don’ts, these proposals simply appeal to common human’s mind for developing greater understanding and thereby live resolved for good. When a human truly understands a reality, it gets naturally resolved to live that way with definite human conduct from there on.

The proposals facilitate discussion on life goals, reflection on what you are and what you really want to be, on relationships in family, society and with nature/existence. It follows a process of self verification, on the basis of one’s own Natural Acceptance, leading to self-empowerment and personal transformation. It can provide the base and details for the sustained well-being of all, i.e. societal transformation and harmony with Nature.

The proposals encompass explanation of Self as Human and Existence as Co-existence, human needs, human value system and the personal and social outlook & solution towards human & environmental needs & problems. Along with this we are in process of releasing the manifesto of undivided society, constitution, policies, systems, infrastructure for public evaluation.